The EpiGroup LLC is experienced and expert at strategy, M&A and corporate finance; we deliver clients that skill set, without burdening the organization with multiple full-time employees or the need to retain duplicative consultant / advisor services.

Growth, product, market; M&A, equity or debt; our mission is to facilitate options; we strive to maximize clients' options so that the best decisions may be made with a minimum of market and strategic risk.

By optimizing capital structure, delivering capital access, facilitating strategy development and strategy execution, we seek to amplify a client’s value and position that client for long-term growth, success and value illumination.

Specific services include, but are not limited to:

  • Strategic plan development
  • Assessing and understanding IP
  • Supply chain reconfiguration
  • Integration mapping and support
  • Guiding technology transfer
  • Accessing government programs
  • Establishing licensing arrangements
  • Outsourced interim management
  • Creating product roadmaps
  • Benchmarking/peer analyses


  • Acquiring stranded assets
  • Divesting a division or subsidiary
  • Reviewing capital structures/alternatives
  • Valuation analyses and opinions
  • Design and execution of M&A strategies
  • Takeovers/takeover defense
  • Exclusive sales/sell-sides
  • Equity and debt private placements
  • Advising on public market transactions
  • MBO/LBO acquisitions